vendredi 9 janvier 2015

The Difference between MAC and PC

  • Software
No surprise for the brand love apple : Mac shine with the quality of the Mac OS . Indeed , 
software problems such as crashes, inexplicable errors and viruses are 4 times more frequent among intervention applications on PC ( 19% against 5% on Mac).
Even more impressive : Mac seem particularly resistant to viruses, because the number of service calls as a result of an infection was statistically zero. Each year, antivirus software vendors keep harping with the imminent arrival of the virus for Mac ... and every year, they got it all wrong ! In any case, until 2012 ..
  • hardware
It seems so , because Mac users are statistically more likely to ask for an intervention because of a component failure (25 % of requests for intervention for Mac, against 17% for PC). Defective parts are most often : hard drive, CD drive and screen. The lucky Mac owners are even less fortunate when it comes to update their machines components ( memory, hard drive etc .. ) : in fact they are much more likely to have to hire a professional (9% applications on Mac concern upgrades , against only 2% on PC)
To end on a fun observation (not for everyone ) , we learn that a greater proportion twice intervention requests on Mac respect clumsiness of their happy owner ( reversed drink, crash etc .. ) . This surprising statistic actually a fairly simple explanation : Macs are generally lighter and more portable than PCs, and are used in more nomadic environment conducive to accidents.